Hypnosis teaches you how to take charge of your emotions
and not to let emotions rule you.
By Fauziah ShahAmerican psychologist and hypnotherapist Calvin Banyan, in his book ‘The Secret Language of Feelings’, has very succinctly elaborated about emotions and how they rule us most of the time. He points out that most of us walk about with lots of suppressed feelings and emotions. Along the way, sometimes we find avenues to release them but in many people, these are just waiting to ‘explode’.
Most human societies frown upon the so-called negative feelings such as anger, so people have been conditioned from young not to display such feelings. This leads to people having a backlog of anger or other negative emotions just waiting to be expressed. All experiences of suppressed anger accumulate and any new experience of a similar nature resonates with the older stored feelings causing people to ‘explode’. This inexplicable anger is what surprises many people. People who have suppressed anger from young usually have problems with controlling anger in adulthood. However the strange fact is that people who suffer from such anger moods are either unaware of their condition or living in denial. Usually it is family members or well meaning friends who point this out to them. Even then many go through life not knowing how to overcome this problem. Some live in denial by publicly refusing to admit that there is anything to be bothered about and privately doing a mental battle all their lives.
As a 7th Path Self Hypnosis teacher, I conduct 7th Path self hypnosis classes regularly at my centre. I teach my students to understand that all feelings are good, including anger. Although 7th Path is an anti viral programme of the mind which works automatically upon contact with the Recognitions that are given out during the class, most students find that they start looking at things differently. Their perceptions change for the better and they become better able to manage their emotions.Many adults who have anger issues are those who as children were not allowed to express their anger. Anger has always been seen as something that needs to be fixed, changed, stifled and discouraged. Many children were even punished for expressing anger or related emotions and many have grown up with feelings of inadequacy.
This is the mindset that needs to be changed. 7th Path Self Hypnosis is a mind-body-spirit approach to doing self hypnosis. Although 7th Path is not meant for healing, healing takes place and this is mainly due to the invitation of Delta or the student’s Higher Power to be a part of the process and also due to the clearing of emotional and mental baggage as a result of this practice. Many of my clients also opt to do 7th Path to complement the therapy that they’re doing with me. Many prefer one to one sessions with me while others join my group classes to benefit from the group energy.
7th Path is not a religion and people of all faiths can do this course together. The term ‘Path’ is just an acronym for ‘phase advanced transformational hypnotherapy’. Participants learn to accept the message that is delivered by their subconscious. They are taught to understand that all feelings are good, even anger which is a natural, healthy emotion which tells us that something is not fair and has to be set right. It is when people ignore such messages that over time, anger turns into frustration and eventually into depression.There are times when it is appropriate to be angry. For example it is anger that has made possible the sprouting of democracies around the world and the emergence of independent states. As soon as people understand their emotions and how to manage them, they find it easier to handle internal stress which either becomes less potent or even non-existent. People who have unresolved issues can visit a hypnotherapist to do one-on-one private sessions or they may want to consider doing this through learning and practising the automatic process of 7th Path.
If you have any unresolved issues that need to be resolved and if you have problems with any kind of feeling or emotion, it is time to visit a certified hypnotherapist who is well versed with the secret language of feelings. If you wish to contact me regarding this article, or if you are interested in my training programs or my one to one therapy sessions, you may call me direct: 65- 91000432 or write to me: info@petrahypnosis.com. Or you may call 62500777 or 64639500.
Website: http://www.petrahypnosis.com
The information contained on this blog is provided for one's general interest and knowledge only, and it does not constitute as therapy. Those seeking professional attention on specific issues are advised to contact us directly. My team and I are based in Singapore and offer one-on-one hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching sessions. We can be contacted by email at info[at]petrahypnosis.com. You may also call us at 6-250-6166 or 9-1000-432.
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