Fauziah believes in the body’s natural ability to heal itself. She believes that this coupled with divine power that an individual has access to can aid many people move towards wellness and health. She believes that whatever healing modality is used should take into account this crucial factor. And this is the main reason why she has pursued the profession of hypnotism and related healing arts.
Close to a thousand people, children as well as adults, have benefited from her passion in this field. Realizing that there are many people out there who needed help, and not enough hypnotherapists to go round, she became a Hypnosis Trainer and started training only the more serious, qualified and mature individuals to become Certified Hypnotherapists while maintaining a private practice. She has kept her training classes small and attract only those who’re meant to do this work.
She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelors degree in English and History with a minor in Political Science in 1987. She then graduated from the same university with a Masters degree in English studies in 1991. Her research focused on the language acquisition of children and how to help children progress in their linguistic skills despite their learning disabilities.
Before she became a hypnotherapist, she had been a school teacher with the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Having the potential to do more for society in a private capacity, she resigned from mainstream teaching and set up a private language school called Petra Education Centre in 1997. The school was registered with the Ministry of Education, Singapore and was also accredited by Case Trust. Now the school has been made into a private limited company and registered with the Centre for Private Education in Singapore under the new education guidelines. The school’s curriculum caters to the needs of local as well as foreign students. She also created and developed a Phonics program to help students read, write and spell effectively, called Petra Phonics. For many years she ran a reading, writing and spelling clinic for children. Today Fauziah is popularly sought by parents for specialised English language training.
Having dealt with the academic achievement of students, both children and adults for many years, she realized the importance of mental and emotional stability and well being. She found that students who are emotionally stable perform better than those saddled with emotional challenges. That was when she started looking for ways to enhance her ability to help the students not only academically but also mentally and emotionally. That began her journey into the field of hypnotism at the turn of the century.
She is grateful to Cal Banyan who was her first formal instructor in hypnotism. Now she represents Cal in Singapore by teaching his brand of hypnotism the 5 PATH & 7th Path way. She appreciates Cal for his many contributions to the field of hypnotherapy. After her initial and thorough training (she did it three times with Cal), she then received numerous other training from other well known trainers: Dr. George Bien, Dr. Michael Robertson, Paul Rushton, Dr. Ashok Jain, Richard Harte, Mickey Mongan, Maggie Phillips, Bert Hellinger, Richard Gordon, Stephen MacCarthy, Michael Gerber, Ron Eslinger, Roy Hunter, Peter Mabbut.....This list is not exhaustive.
Fauziah is trained not only in 5 PATH & 7th Path; she is also trained in General Hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Counseling, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, HypnoBirthing, Systemic and Family Constellations, Trauma and Somatic Healing, Energy Psychology, Reiki, Quantum Touch, Advanced Theta Healing DNA, Security and Risk Management and many others. What she constantly does is to integrate all that she has learnt into a meaningful and effective system that works all the time.
She takes all that is good in what she has learnt, modifies them and then uses them in her sessions with her clients. She uses 5 PATH & 7th Path in many cases. 7th Path® is a mind, body, spirit form of self-hypnosis that has been specially designed to complement 5 PATH® hypnotherapy. She also uses NGH and IACT/IMDHA techniques which are needed in many cases too.
Fauziah believes in lifelong learning. Despite her vast knowledge and expertise, Fauziah believes in continually upgrading herself and encourages those who work with her to do the same. Fauziah also updates herself with the latest knowledge about hypnotherapy and complementary modalities by being members of various organizations like the National Guild of Hypnotists, the 5 PATH International Association of Professional Hypnotherapists, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the HypnoBirthing Institute and the International Hypnosis Research Institute.
After seeing clients out of language centre for a couple of years, we registered our business with ACRA as Petra Hypnosis & Training Centre at Pandan Valley. Subsequently this was renamed Petra Hypnosis & Training Centre Pte Ltd. More than a year ago, we registered a new business name with ACRA, Advanced Institute of Complementary Healthcare at No. 10 Marshall Road. Recently we moved institute to our new address at 203-A Goldhill Centre, Thomson Road and we then privatized our business. So now our business name is Advanced Institute of Complementary Healthcare (AICH) Pte Ltd or in short AICH Pte Ltd. This is to take our practice to the next level and to incorporate other healing modalities under one roof. Not only are other therapists able to work together with me now but clients who see us can also benefit from this partnership. So we have Monisha Assudani, Ian Pang, Richard Tan, Shuli Law, Simon Lee and a few others working out from our centre.
We at AICH work as a team of professionals. We work with people using waking hypnosis by reframing our client’s issues and counseling them. And when we need to collapse challenges and remove blockages stemming from programming from the past, we believe doing hypnotherapy is the best option. We can then directly access the subconscious mind to effect the necessary changes at this level. We use 5 PATH and 7th Path Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is indeed a safe, effective and practical way to work with the mind. When necessary, we use other healing modalities as well such as EFT and energy healing.
Almost everyone in every walk of life can benefit from doing hypnosis and hypnotherapy with us and also other therapeutic modalities that we offer at our centre. We have worked with a number of challenges like fear of public speaking, fear of heights, other irrational fears, bad habits like smoking or nail biting, relationship issues, confidence and self esteem issues, concentration and focusing challenges, pain management, sleeping challenges, and many more. We have coached people to reframe their thought patterns, to manage their emotions, to relieve stress and to create abundance in their lives. There is no end to the possibilities available in the use of hypnosis and other healing modalities for well being.
Close to a thousand people have benefited from doing hypnotherapy/ healing with us.
We help you SUCCEED!
The information contained on this blog is provided for one's general interest and knowledge only, and it does not constitute as therapy. Those seeking professional attention on specific issues are advised to contact us directly. My team and I are based in Singapore and offer one-on-one hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching sessions. We can be contacted by email at info@petrahypnosis.com. If your email is urgent, then send it to fauziahshah@gmail.com You may also call us at 6-250-6166 or 9-1000-432.