Do you know anyone
* who’s having relationship problems?
* who lacks self-confidence and self-esteem?
* who is overly fearful, worried or ridden by guilt?
* who is not able to fulfill their needs, wants and desires?
* who seems aloof, unsociable and unable to relate to others?
* who doesn’t understand their emotions and are unable to manage them?
* with physical symptoms but doctors can’t find anything wrong with them?
Do you know anyone who’s suffering in silence?
If you do, and you want to help, there are TWO WAYS!
1. Call Fauziah Shah for a professional consultation today at 65-9-100-0432.
This is what former clients have to say about Fauziah Shah.

Why Fauziah Shah?
Fauziah Shah is the founder of Petra Hypnosis & Training Centre, Mind Power Network and also Advanced Institute of Complementary Healthcare. She is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Trainer with NGH, the National Guild of Hypnotists, USA. She is also a member in good standing with IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) and IMDHA (International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, USA).
Her qualifications include:
* Board Certified Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, USA
* Certified Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, USA
* Certified Trainer with the National Guild of Hypnotists, USA
* Certified as CPHI to teach 5 Path Hypnotherapy & 7th Path Teacher Training with Banyan Hypnosis Centre, Tustin, California, USA
* Chartered member of the 5 Path® Hypnotherapy Association, USA
* Certified 7th Path ® Self Hypnosis Teacher, USA
* Certified HypnoBirthing ® Childhood Educator, USA
* Certified in Clinical Hypnosis from the Institute for Advanced Neuro Research and Education, USA
* Certified Audiblox Professional/ Provider, USA
* Advanced certification course in Clinical Hypnotherapy with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH, USA)
* Received Training in Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH Cert)
* Trained in Counselling, Singapore and Inter-Personal Psychotherapy, Australia
* A member in good standing of NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists), IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) and IMDHA (International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association)
* Bachelors and Masters degree holder from the National University of Singapore
* Founder of Petra Hypnosis & Training Centre, Mind Power Network, and Advanced Institute of Complementary Healthcare, Singapore.
2. Get certified as a hypnotherapist by enrolling in Fauziah Shah's USA certified hypnosis certification course and become a 7th PATH Self Hypnosis teacher as well!
And who else to learn it from other than Singapore’s Master Hypnotist Trainer, Fauziah Shah!
Who Should Seriously Consider Becoming An NGH Certified Hypnotist?
Anyone interested to be in this honourable, fast growing profession!
Anyone who wants to learn the skills necessary to help people achieve their goals!
And you can do this while earning a good income!
This is because professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists are in demand and the time to start is NOW!
The NGH (USA) Hypnotism Certification course is suitable for the following groups of people:
* Health care practitioners
Hypnosis is now widely accepted as the natural and expedient process for change and to be used in conjunction by medical and mental health professionals.
* Teaching or counseling professionals
People need to make personal changes to get better and learn. These can be done using hypnosis techniques.
* Those aspiring for a rewarding career that helps people achieve goals
This can be done on a part-time or full-time basis. Any interested individual meeting the minimum criteria can begin a new career in this thriving profession.
Award for Students: Sample Hypnotism Certification from NGH, USA

“I assure you that you will receive adequate training to prepare you as a professional in the thriving field of hypnosis with after course support, more so than if you were to attend other courses.”
Fauziah Shah, MA, HBCE, BCH, C
Fauziah Shah is a chartered member of the 5 PATH ® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals. She is also Board Certified with NGH, the National Guild of Hypnotists, USA. Fauziah represents Cal Banyan in Singapore as a Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor (CPHI) and teaches the advanced 5 PATH & 7th Path Self Hypnosis Master Course, training professionals to become 5 PATH Hypnotherapists and 7th Path Self Hypnosis Teachers.
Fauziah Shah is also one of the very few NGH Board Certified hypnotists in the world.
The NGH Hypnosis Certification Training
with 5 PATH® & 7th PATH® Teacher Training
This training program offers an in-depth and comprehensive approach to the study of
hypnosis techniques for the purpose of effecting therapeutic changes in clients. It is designed to offer the best training to those preparing for a professional hypnotherapy practice. In addition to learning many techniques of putting someone into trance and doing therapy for a number of issues, the students will also be taught marketing and advertising techniques, setting up a successful hypno-therapy practice and projecting a professional public image.
* Anyone who wants to be taught by Fauziah Shah, a seasoned trainer who knows how to impart knowledge effectively;
* Those interested in attending live-training with a live-instructor with ongoing support as opposed to a distance learning course;
* Hypnotists who wish to become certified by NGH, USA, the largest and oldest leading hypnotist organization in the world & also get certified in 5 PATH Hypnotherapy and 7th Path Teacher Training;
* Healers who want to add hypnosis as one of their ‘tools’ in their toolbox;
* Hypnotists who want to update their techniques and skills to include modern hypnotic inductions;
* Those aspiring to be their own boss and to be able to have their own practice;
* Health Care Professionals, which include therapists, counsellors, psychologists, medical doctors, dieticians, nutritionists, nurses, social workers & TCM Practitioners;
* CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers and supervisors;
* Teachers, educationists, lecturers and parents;
* Individuals answering a calling to help others;
* Sales personnel and business people;
* Stress consultants & NLP Practitioners;
* The Clergy, spiritual healers & Mind Body Spirit Practitioners;
* Individuals seeking personal development or a career change
This course includes 100 hours of classroom instruction, homework, and practical sessions.
Classroom Instruction: 100 hours
Homework and Practice Sessions: 35 hours
What do you get by signing up and graduating from this course?
* NGH, USA Certification as a Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotist or Certified Hypnotherapist upon graduation*
* 5 PATH Hypnotherapy Certificate, USA*
* 7th Path Teacher Training Certificate from Banyan Hypnosis Centre, USA*
* Master Hypnotist Certification from Banyan Hypnosis Centre, USA*
* One year’s complimentary NGH membership and a membership card
* One Year’s complimentary Subscription to the Journal of Hypnotism (quarterly magazine)-sent to your home address
* One Year’s complimentary Subscription to the Hypnogram (quarterly newsletter)- sent to your home address
* One year’s complimentary member-rate seminars and conferences, and client referral (NGH)
* 2 practitioner 5 PATH manuals (Levels 1 & 2- Basic and Advanced)
* Opportunity to purchase 5 Path & 7th Path DVDs at student rates during the duration of the course
* 1- Pendulum
* Opportunity to watch video of therapy done on real life clients
* NGH Member discounts for hotels, car rentals, books, etc.*
* 7th Path Self Hypnosis Training with nine Recognitions- Be equipped to teach the basic and advanced workshops
* The only certified hypnotherapy program that is tailored according to each individual’s pace of learning
* 1- 7th Path Booklet, ‘Get on the Path’
* ‘The Secret Language of Feelings’ by Calvin Banyan
* Book by Cal Banyan and G Kein, ‘Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy- Basic to Advanced Techniques for the Professional’
* 1 year free web page on
* The opportunity to be included in the world renowned 5 PATH & 7th Path Hypnotherapy support e-group
* NGH Consumer Guide to Hypnotism
Testimonials from former students include:
Quote from “Gregory Ki Lin Heart: (Success and Life Coach/ Hypnotherapist):[ Kilin did the NGH Hypnosis Certification, Banyan Super Course- 5 PATH & 7th Path, Quantum Awareness & the IACT Hypnotherapist Certification at our centre]
“Fauziah Shah is the most understanding, insightful and accommodating trainers I have ever seen.
Her ability to always over deliver, gives great value and added benefit to everyone of her trainings.
I would highly recommend you not miss your chance to learn in a supportive, nurturing and comfortable atmosphere of Petra Hypnosis."
Quote from G. Sarravanan, ND, CH, D.MLD, D. Nutr, AdHRM (a. k. a. Velu) (Naturopath, Nutritionist, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist}[Did the NGH Hypnosis Certification, the Banyan Super Course- 5 PATH & 7th Path, & the IACT Hypnotherapist Course at our centre]:
“I am honoured to be trained in the NGH Hypnotism Course, 5 PATH Hypnotherapy Course and the 7th Path Teachers Training Program by Ms Fauziah Shah who is also a professional practicing hypnotherapist.
Ms Fauziah conducts her training in small concentrated groups with personal attention given to everyone. The trainings are very practical and done in a comfortable relaxed environment. As part of her training, she offers continued practice sessions for her students. This is a unique service which I have not seen offered anywhere. It just goes to show her commitment to professionalism for her trainees.
I enjoyed Ms Fauziah’s training sessions and I appreciate the additional scripts that she provided us during training. They came in handy during the practice at my clinic.
She has also remained contactable to help trainees when there is a problem. She is quick to come with suggestions and solutions to help our clients.
Ms Fauziah is a genuine and caring person. I would recommend anyone to join Ms Fauziah for hypnotherapy training, certification and consultation.”
Quote from Yusri bin Md Yunos (School Teacher/ Hypnotherapist) [Did the NGH & IACT Certification Course & the Banyan Super course at our centre]:
“Since taking Fauziah's course, my life has been transformed. I used to feel anxiety almost every morning when I go to work. Since taking this course and doing 7th Path, my anxiety has diminished and now I'm confident and happy.
As a result, I can also transform my negative experience into something positive and that makes my life happier and richer. Thanks to Fauziah, she has opened doors for me to live a rich and enjoyable life.
Fauziah is a caring instructor, taking care of our needs as students of hypnotherapy. She has a wide and deep knowledge of the subject. As such she is able to share it with us. Fauziah is also a very approachable instructor; this makes it easier for us to ask questions and clarify matters/ doubts with her.
All in all, I got more than my money's worth.
Thanks Fauziah. I'll always have high regard of you as my hypnotherapy master!”
To find out more, please call
Fauziah Shah herself at 65-9-100-0432
or her office at 65-6250-6166
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