We had a good response from visitors who were interested in the Advanced Institute of Complementary Healthcare (AICH) client services and hypnotherapy training services at our exhibitor booth at the BODY MIND SPIRIT FESTIVAL, Fort Canning Centre over the weekend. We thank you for your attendance :)

For those of you who had left us with your contact information over the weekend, we will be getting in touch soon!

If you did not have an opportunity to meet with us at the this weekend, Advanced Institute of Complementary Healthcare (AICH) will be holding a series of informational seminars on Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy soon. This will be an excellent chance for those interested in the field to have all of your queries answered!

The following are the prize winners of the Body Mind Spirit Lucky Draw. Each person has won a free hypnosis session to be conducted by one of our therapists, worth between S$150.00 to S$250.00 depending on which therapist is seeing you.

1. Liberina
2. Kim Wong
3. Elias
4. John Antony
5. Dennis Sim
6. Caryn Lim

There are four more winners who may have received their winning coupons but who have not contacted us yet. If you are among the four, please come forward to redeem your free hypnosis session worth between S$150.00 to S$250.00 depending on which therapist is seeing you.

Prize winners are allowed to attend the upcoming informational seminar Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for free. Others have to pay S$10.00. If two people in a family or if two friends sign up together, each only has to pay S$8.00. If there are three and more, each pays only S$7.00.

Refreshments (food and drinks) are provided.

Photos of AICH at Body Mind Spirit Festival 2009:


The information contained on this blog is provided for one's general interest and knowledge only, and it does not constitute as therapy. Those seeking professional attention on specific issues are advised to contact us directly. My team and I are based in Singapore and offer one-on-one hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching sessions. We can be contacted by email at info[at]petrahypnosis.com. You may also call us at 6-250-6166 or 9-1000-432.

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