Petra Hypnosis and Training Centre conducted and completed two Professional Hypnotherapy Certification courses in April and June 2010. Our graduates from the certification courses are truly dedicated and passionate about helping their fellow mankind, and are not motivated only by money. These are the kind of students that Petra Hypnosis welcomes to our Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Course because they would make excellent hypnotherapists that would do the profession (and our training Centre) proud!

The Professional Hypnosis Certification courses at Petra Hypnosis prepares our students for a career in hypnotism. Our courses includes textbooks and manuals, ongoing support, and additional benefits. The next Professional Hypnosis Certification courses for 2010 have been scheduled: full-time courses begin December 6, 2010 and the part-time course begins October 2, 2010.

April 2010 - Jade Goh, a Graduate from the Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Course, with Petra Hypnosis trainer, Fauziah Shah.

June 2010 - Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Course
Students in class practicing the hypnosis suggestibility tests.

June 2010 - Students practicing in class during the Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Course

June 18, 2010 - Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Course
Students' Graduation Celebration

Fauziah is a warm and knowledgeable instructor of Hypnosis. She is always open to share her knowledge with her students and quite often with a great sense of humor as well. This course is an eye-opener for me into what Hypnosis is all about and through Fauziah's guidance and the hands-on practice in class have equipped me with the tools to practice Hypnosis. Creativity is encouraged during practice which allows one to obtain and practise one's personal style as well. Fauziah is a talented Hypnotist and would not hesitate recommending her on her services. You'll get more out of what you invest in.

- Jade Goh

Upcoming National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)
Hypnosis Certification Course
Train To Be a Professional Hypnotherapist

Full-Time Course Begins Dec 6 2010
Part-Time Course Begins October 2 2010

Register Early to Secure a Place.
Take Action NOW!

To know more about Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Courses in Singapore, please contact Petra Hypnosis at 6-463-9500 or write to for information.

Or visit

The information contained on this blog is provided for one's general interest and knowledge only, and it does not constitute as therapy. Those seeking professional attention on specific issues are advised to contact us directly. My team and I are based in Singapore and offer one-on-one hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching sessions. We can be contacted by email at info[at] You may also call us at 6-250-6166 or 9-1000-432.

Self-Hypnosis Courses in Singapore

The form of self-hypnosis taught at Petra Hypnosis is called the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®. Imagine freeing yourself from all of the stress, negative programming and painful emotions from the past. Imagine living in the moment and never over-reacting again by getting either too angry, frustrated, or sad. Imagine being able to “program” yourself for success. What if that was possible? Would you do it? Now you can!

What is Self-Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is described as a state of altered consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and increased focus. The focus associated with hypnosis can be so intense that other cues in the environment are ignored, or completely shut out of consciousness. Increased suggestibility is also thought to be associated with a hypnotic state, because a person is detached from his or her usual ability to judge and criticize. Self-hypnosis refers to the process of reaching this state by self-suggestion. Self-hypnosis can be used for self-improvement and personal growth, as well as psychological wellness.

Benefits of Self-Hypnosis

Practicing self-hypnosis can be beneficial in many profound ways: to rid onself of old habits and addictions; improve one's mood; improve relationships; help to reduce stress, increase confidence; improve study habits and exam performance; heal from stress-induced illnesses; answer one's calling in life; bring one's highest philosophies and beliefs into one's everyday life. It can be frustrating to learn self-hypnosis from a book or a video, especially if you are attempting it for the first time. But when you learn it under the guidance of a professional hypnotherapist, you receive the proper instruction so that you know you are achieving a proper level of hypnosis so as to benefit from it.

Self-Hypnosis Courses at Petra Hypnosis

It can be frustrating to learn self-hypnosis from a book or a video, especially if you are attempting it for the first time. But when you learn it under the guidance of a professional hypnotherapist, you receive the proper instruction so that you know you are achieving a proper level of hypnosis so as to benefit from it.

Now, you can master the techniques of self-hypnosis by participating in the courses at Petra Hypnosis. Anyone can learn this process and use it to make powerful changes in their lives. The process is simple, yet profound in its ability to help one move along in life, moving one past old blockages to success.

A typical basic self-hypnosis course consists of:

• Explaining how the mind works
• How hypnosis works
• How to induce self-hypnosis
• How to construct hypnotic suggestions to make the changes that you desire

May 2010 - Basic Self-Hypnosis Class

Advanced Self-Hypnosis Course - July 2010

Next Basic Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Full-Day Course Date: September 26, 2010 (Sunday)
Hours: 10 am to 6 pm

"This course reinforces my positive thinking and that relieves me and makes me reflect on the root of my negative thoughts."
- Matthew

"This is a very effective workshop as I’ve found myself becoming a more confident and positive person. Previously, I was fearful of failures and of others judging me. Now I believe in myself. Fauziah has been very clear in her explanation and she motivates me to practise 7th Path in my life."
- Noraini Ibrahim

"The concepts are very deep and powerful. It has been a very life altering experience to find out everything is in the mind. We feel things happening to us at the physical level, but all the levels are in the mind. The pre-Recognition talks are very good as they set the right platform for the Recognitions to have the right impact."
- Sanjeev Verma

To know more about Self-Hypnosis Courses in Singapore, please contact Petra Hypnosis at 6-463-9500 or write to for more information.

Or visit

The information contained on this blog is provided for one's general interest and knowledge only, and it does not constitute as therapy. Those seeking professional attention on specific issues are advised to contact us directly. My team and I are based in Singapore and offer one-on-one hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching sessions. We can be contacted by email at info[at] You may also call us at 6-250-6166 or 9-1000-432.

Petra Hypnosis held its first Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner Workshop on Aug 21, 2010. It was conducted by Ms. Monisha Asundani, who is the first Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator in Singapore. Ms. Assudani is a Certified Access Bars Facilitator trained in Australia and a Reiki Master. She is also trained in other Access Body Processes, EMF Balancing, EFT, Energetic Access Facial Lift and Crystal Reiki. She has been facilitating healing in people's lives for 15 years now.

What is Access Consciousness?
There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. There are bars for Healing, Body, Control, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Aging, Sex and Money just to name a few. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area, to have something different show up in your life with ease.

Have you ever tried to talk to someone who has their mind made up about something? Is it like trying to get through a brick wall? That's because it IS a wall; an energetic wall. Every time you take a point of view, you create another wall. For example, if you say, "I'm never doing that again!" That decision stops the energy and limits what you can receive. Does a decision like that create more choice in your life or less? Would it create an impact on your body? Fortunately, this can be changed easily and quickly.

By running energy through these Bars the barriers dissipate and the electromagnetic charge is released. Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer. You have more space to create something new and wonderful with more up to date tools!

What is the Process of Running the Bars Like?
Running the Bars is a simple, non-invasive, energy process where the facilitator lightly touches each point on the head to release the energy. Receiving this process, i.e. “having your Bars run,” usually leaves you with a sense of peace and space and a feeling like there is more possibility open to you. This is an incredibly dynamic process that will not only leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a really great massage, but it can also change your life.

The session usually takes place with the recipient relaxing on a massage table, bed, or pad on the floor, with their head on a pillow. The person gifting them “The Bars” sits at their head, cradling their head in their hands. The facilitator touches a series of points with very light pressure. These specific points on the head have been described as the “alt-control-delete” on the computer bank of your brain. The facilitator lightly touches each point on the head to release the energy. The facilitator may also use hands-on-healing with MTVSS, Reiki, Running the Bars, EMF Balancing and Energetic Facelift, Verbal Clearings and EFT to bring about a positive change.

Running Energy Through Bars

The next course offering for the Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner Workshop is scheduled for September 25, 2010 (Saturday), 10 am to 6 pm.

To know more about Access Bars Courses or Sessions in Singapore and for the next course offering, please contact Petra Hypnosis at 6-463-9500 or write to for more information.

Or visit

The information contained on this blog is provided for one's general interest and knowledge only, and it does not constitute as therapy. Those seeking professional attention on specific issues are advised to contact us directly. My team and I are based in Singapore and offer one-on-one hypnotherapy, counseling and coaching sessions. We can be contacted by email at info[at] You may also call us at 6-250-6166 or 9-1000-432.

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